
oooh JUNE !!!

cant believe its one fuckin year already .

that night.. where i puked on long island in my mum's car and went to exam 2 days after was stil fresh in my mind. HAHA.

and kesian those ppl who i pao the coke from.

and that fat guy wich jf said i say hi to him n hug him wtf .

i can't fuckin remember any shit on that wasted night =\

oh anyways. its been awhile since i wrote about anything at all. lemme ask u one question..


i've been to three. three fuckin kindergartens when i was young. haha. first it was Sunshine, behind my house, then it was Grace Community and then Peter & Jane. i was a fuckin angel in sunshine, but i became a devil once i entered Grace.

the highlight of my kindie life was definitely in P&J. i remembered this one kid, he used to have drippy mucus.. u know that slimy shit comin out from the nose. yeah it fuckin hangs there on his nose. god knows if he's retarded, but he annoyed the shit out of everyone near him. even the teachers, sometimes his mucus would drip on the teacher's hand/clothes and the teacher can't even scold him or anything.

so one day he came to me, "watcha doin?" while his mucus starts to drip.

he wipes the mucus off with his hand.


wipes his hand on me.


and that was the first time in my life, taking up a wooden chair and beating his fucking face. the sense of satisfaction shot up to my head and i felt so damn fucking happy for the first time in my kindie life before the teacher dragged me away. (oh yeah i was sent out of the class for 1 period and my parents were never even notified)

i miss my kindie life. and i still remembered that time when some dude gave me a paper star.. u know this kinda paper stars they called 'lucky stars'

i thought it was chocolate inside. so i was trying to unwrap it.. found an opening, started unfurling it slowly, hoping that there's choco inside since the middle felt quite solid.

open open open.

motherfucker!! NOTHING INSIDE!!! then i thought i was conned by my fren. so i went back to him and scold him "wei !! u give me nothing inside de!!! where the chocolate???" and i pushed him and whack him and we ended up fighting.

HAHAHHA! i love my kindie days.

1 comment:

rebecca said...

paper star so leng...love it...^^